How to Crop an Image in Cricut Design Space: A Stepwise Guide

how to crop an image in cricut design space

How to Crop an Image in Cricut Design Space: A Stepwise Guide

Want to learn how to crop an image in Cricut Design Space? Then, read this guide to go through the simple process for those who have just started using Design Space. This app lets you browse thousands of pre-designed projects and create your own by adding images, text, etc. Cropping images help you remove extra parts of your image or improve its composition.

Cropping is an important process because it removes unwanted parts or elements from an image and can bring the viewer’s attention to a specific part of it. This post will teach you how you can crop an image in the Cricut app and other methods.

Steps to Crop an Image Using the Subtract Tool

There is one more method through which you can crop, and that is using the Subtract tool.

You will find this tool in the Combine menu, which you can use to crop an image. This process removes the front image from the back without removing another image and other shapes. This feature can be used not just for your image but also to cut words or designs.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select both images and click on both designs by dragging the mouse over them using Shift + Click.

  2. After that, click the Modify tool menu on the right-side panel and then Subtract.

  3. You can also click on the Object menu at the top of the screen, then click on Modify and Subtract.

How to Crop an Image in Cricut Design Space: Easy Steps

Before you start your design, go through these quick and simple steps to crop an image in the software.

Step 1: Import Your Image in Cricut Software

First, open your Cricut Design Space app and choose an image to add to the workspace. Next, you can select any image you like from the downloaded SVG files or create one yourself.

Step 2: Adding a Shape

In this step, you will have to add a shape to determine where your image will be cropped. The shape will act as a guide for the cropping process of your image. Square shapes work well, but you can also use different shapes, like triangles or circles, to create various effects. Enlarge the square or the shape you choose and place it over the area you want to hide or crop in your image.

Step 3: Select Both Image and Shape

After that, click and drag to select both the SVG image and the shape you have added.

Step 4: Using the Slice Button

In the Design Space app, click on the bottom right side of the screen and select the Slice button. The software will automatically remove the portion of the image hidden by the shape. You will have two parts: the cropped portion and the other unwanted part of the shape.

Step 5: Delete Unwanted Elements

Then, select both parts and click the Delete button on your keyboard. It will delete the unwanted portion of the image. The cropped part will remain; you can resize the cropped image.

Advanced Cropping Techniques Using the Contour Feature

Here are some other advanced methods that can teach you how to crop an image in Cricut Design Space so let’s follow:

Step 1: Ungroup Complex Images

To start, ungroup your image, then use the Contour feature for more complex images or specific elements needing removal. This technique is helpful when removing an exact shape or portion from a complex design.

Step 2: Use the Contour Feature

Next, select the image and click “Contour” in the bottom right-hand corner. A hide contour window will open. Then, click on the elements you want to hide or remove from the image. It will disappear as you click on them. The hidden objects will turn light gray.

Step 3: Resize the Image

Once you have hidden the image and removed the unwanted elements, you can resize and crop it accordingly.


Now you know how to crop an image in Cricut Design Space and what other ways there are to do it. The design program allows you to create a design using a Cricut machine. It provides you with some other techniques that you can use to crop an image, which is important and helps remove unwanted elements from your image. It will enable a person to focus on the important part or where you want to keep the viewer’s attention. As a user, it depends on which method you choose to crop your image.


How to use Guide feature to crop an image in Cricut app?

The Guide feature can crop an image in the Design Space app. This feature shows you exactly where your photo will be cropped so you can get the perfect shape. To use it, add a shape to your blank canvas. After that, select Operation and then Change from Basic Cut to Guide, highlight the shape that contains the photo, resize the picture to fit the frame, click Slice, delete the extra elements, and your crop image is ready.

What is the Subtract tool?

The Subtract tool in Design Space removes shapes from the last or bottom layer of any selected group of objects. It differs from the Slice tool because it can subtract multiple objects at the same time. Subtracting multiple objects is easier than cutting a deal with all those extra pieces left over by the Slice tool.

What is the benefit of cropping images?

Cropping images has many benefits, including focusing on the subject by removing any unwanted background, changing the aspect ratio of your image, or not showing any specific details. In short, cropping an image improves it by removing unwanted parts. If you are cropping a large part of an image, it can reduce pixels, reducing the quality of a photo.

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Source: how to crop an image in cricut design space